Green IT: The Value of Green Computing and How to Adopt It
The case for green IT is stronger than ever. With Gartner predicting that sustainability will be a top priority for most major Western Europe and North American companies, companies are now understanding that green IT will save them money and increase their value in the marketplace.
What is Green IT?
Green computing (or green IT) is when companies manufacture, use, and dispose of computers, servers, and other hardware in environmentally friendly ways.
Practices are focused on reducing energy consumption and disposing of equipment in responsible ways.
Most computers and hardware require special handling and disposable as they contain toxic substances that can contaminate soil and water if left in landfills, or pollute the air if incinerated.
Certain parts such as aluminum, iron, copper, and plastics can also be removed from the computers and hardware for reuse.
The Value of Green Computing
Cost savings is one of the major reasons why green IT has taken off among large organizations.
Spending reductions on equipment, energy, and even tax breaks and other financial incentives make green computing that much more practical and attractive for companies to adopt.
Regulations established to address climate change have forced businesses to change their ways and become environmentally friendly.
As a result, new economic opportunities exist. Companies can enter the market and grow revenue and job growth by supplying or servicing energy efficient equipment, or developing green technology, just as a few examples.
In addition, it’s no surprise that green IT is just good PR for companies. Customers and stakeholders care about the environment and the effects of global warming, so companies that are demonstrating good initiative in this area are showing they are responsive and taking action.
Interested in learning more about how secure pull printing can help you go green? Check out this free eBook on pull printing solutions!
Challenges of Going Green
While green IT offers many benefits, there are roadblocks that may prevent companies from implementing this practice.
Resisting change, competing priorities, and overall lack of concern are universal. Companies can overcome this through education and thought leadership.
The data needed to make decisions can often be fragmented and can be difficult to collect and analyze. Companies need to work towards collecting this data and analyze it from a holistic perspective.
Ways to Adopt Green IT
How are some companies addressing green IT?
Printing: this is a movement which involves the use of low-VOC inks, recycled paper, energy-efficient printers, re manufactured toner cartridges & ink cartridges, paperless data distribution, and implementing a pull printing system.
Supply Chains: Companies are altering their supply chain and cutting ties with companies that do not adopt the same green IT goals and practices as them
Data Centers: Data centers are using massive amounts of electricity generated using fossil fuels. Companies recognize this are looking for renewable energy sources to power data centers and maximize efficiency.
IT Department: The IT department is integral to the success of green IT due to their energy consumption, device management, and data collection.
System administrators need to collect and analyze data to help support green IT decision making, and should actively be looking for ways to reduce their carbon footprint.
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