Digital Transformation Strategy: Why You need a PDF-based Universal Printer Driver

Digital Transformation Strategy Why You need a PDF-based Universal Printer Driver

Digital transformation is “the profound transformation of business and organizational activities, processes, competencies and models”.

While the current trend in technology is block chain and artificial intelligence, enterprise print solutions are hardly discussed by anyone.

The golden age of print issues has far gone as more innovative enterprise print solutions have entered the market to resolve paper-based issues overtime, drawing a much clearer line of the problem and its solution.

However, organizations who are in their maturity stage of digitization have begun moving into digitizing paper based printing, which in other words, is the elimination of paper to cut costs and improve business processes.

2018 Trends for Cloud Computing and Enterprise Cloud Printing

2018 Trends for Cloud Computing and Enterprise Cloud Printing

With 2018 just around the corner, it’s difficult not to think about the upcoming year and what trends we can expect to see when it comes to enterprise cloud printing.

As cloud computing and cloud based solutions are become more common among enterprises of all shapes and sizes, many industry experts and analysts are carefully watching any upcoming trends.

These trends also apply to cloud SaaS printing, which combines the convenience of software as a service and centralized printing on an enterprise level.

Safe Harbor Compliance in Healthcare Printing: What you Need to know

Safe Harbor Compliance in Healthcare Printing What you Need to know

Sensitive healthcare data is more vulnerable today than ever before. Personal medical records, social security numbers, corporate trade secrets are all stored, used and transmitted online through networked devices.

This overflowing stream of patient data prevents hackers with an increasing wide range of opportunities to steal and sell intellectual property.

Healthcare organizations are also at risk from internal threats. A disgruntled employee can expose confidential data even faster than a hacker if there are not adequate safeguards in place to prevent security breaches.

Cloud Security Challenges: How to Ensure Print Security in The Cloud

cloud security concerns ensure security in the cloud

One of the key tenets of cloud computing is the reduction of hardware and software ownership and maintenance which allows organizations to focus on their core business strategies and strengths.

We are already seeing this trend with organizations consolidating remote print servers to centralized data centers in the form of serverless printing.

However, by adopting a cloud service, organizations have to give up direct control of whatever system they are moving to the cloud which naturally spawns concerns over security.